With a mix of webinars, practical tools, and templates, the Grant Application Bootcamp materials are designed to provide an overview of the Safe Streets and Roads for All (Action Plan) opportunity, guide you through the application process, and present actionable steps that can be taken to submit a strong application.
They include presentations from the Safe Streets and Roads for All (Action Plan) Grant Bootcamp webinars with information on how to apply for federal funds and relevant tools and templates that can be applied to your grant application. The materials focus on how to build a community engagement plan, how to leverage community assets, how to effectively incorporate data into the grant application process, and how to construct a budget and a strong grant narrative.
Predevelopment Webinar
Setting the Table
Engaging the Community
Federal Administration Priorities
Data Driven Decision Making
Demystifying Capital Stacks and Budgeting
Writing a Strong Narrative Webinar
Building a Community Narrative
Community Engagement Workbook