9 cities that are leading on climate

9 cities that are leading on climate

This article originally appeared on the Bloomberg Cities Network Hub. Recent reports from a key United Nations panel on climate change make three things vividly clear: The crisis is escalating at an alarming pace, the window of opportunity to avoid its worst impacts...
Cities use innovation to get smarter about infrastructure

Cities use innovation to get smarter about infrastructure

This article originally appeared on the Bloomberg Cities Network Hub. With $1.2 trillion in federal infrastructure funding about to hit U.S. cities of all sizes, local leaders everywhere are looking for new ways to maximize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to...
Using data to guide and track spending of federal aid dollars

Using data to guide and track spending of federal aid dollars

This article originally appeared on the Bloomberg Cities Network Hub. Title: Chief Innovation & Data Officer City: Syracuse, N.Y. About a year ago, Nicolas Diaz was on a monthly Zoom that Bloomberg Philanthropies holds to connect chief innovation officers from...