The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) more than doubled funding for USDOT’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program. RAISE helps communities move forward on projects that make our transportation systems safer and more accessible, affordable, and sustainable. This Delivering Results Workshop focused on how local leaders can develop competitive RAISE applications. Experts and special guests provided critical insights that will help you advance transportation infrastructure projects that improve quality of life, connectivity, and innovation. The webinar will also highlighted key USDOT funding opportunities coming in 2023.
Innovative Capital Stacks: Ballot Measures for Local Infrastructure Investment
JUMP TO A SECTION: Overview | Three Phases for Ballot Measures | Keys to Success | Plan Development | Authorizing the Ballot Measure | The Ballot Measure CampaignBallot Measures: Overview In many cases, federal funds, like those authorized by the infrastructure law,...