
From the Local Infrastructure Hub

From the Local Infrastructure Hub

Cities use innovation to get smarter about infrastructure

Cities use innovation to get smarter about infrastructure

With $1.2 trillion in federal infrastructure funding about to hit U.S. cities of all sizes, local leaders everywhere are looking for new ways to maximize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve roads, parks, bus fleets, renewable energy, flood defenses, internet access—and, most importantly, residents’ everyday lives.

Using data to guide and track spending of federal aid dollars

Using data to guide and track spending of federal aid dollars

Syracuse, NY, launched a dashboard to track its investments of federal dollars coming through the American Rescue Plan Act. The site lays out not just what city leaders are spending the money on but also what results they’re achieving with it.

Growing ‘tree equity’ in Syracuse

Growing ‘tree equity’ in Syracuse

Trees may be the only form of city infrastructure that actually grows more valuable with age. A lack of trees in low-income communities raises temperatures by as much as 4 degrees Celsius, exacerbating the deadly impacts of extreme heat.