From the Local Infrastructure Hub
From the Local Infrastructure Hub

‘We Know We’re Not Alone’ – Hawaii County Among Many Getting Help Pinpointing Internet Needs
Hawaii County’s work to address flawed FCC maps for its fair-share of federal broadband funds shows the steep challenges small cities face–and the specialist support they need.

A small town seeks help to get water in the right places
The Village of Corrales, New Mexico, has too much water in the wrong places, and not enough in the right places. Its residents hope federal infrastructure grants can help create a better balance.

Local Infrastructure Hub Launches New Bootcamp Trainings to Help Municipalities Access Federal Infrastructure Funding
The pro-bono bootcamps are available for localities with 150,000 residents or less to apply The new series focuses on transportation, roadways, electric vehicle infrastructure, climate resilience, and clean water improvements WASHINGTON, D.C. – (January 8, 2023) – The...

Building “Resilience Centers” in Thousand Oaks: Keeping EV charging stations in action, even during power outages
Charging stations provide power for electric vehicles. But what happens when charging stations lose their source of power? Officials in Thousand Oaks, CA, are tackling that problem. Seeking federal infrastructure grants, they aim to build backup solar generators and...

With Local Infrastructure Hub Help, Lansing Seeks to Reconnect an Isolated Community
While it only takes eight minutes to traverse the city of Lansing, Michigan, on I-496, the cross-town expressway, it has taken 50 years to begin addressing the isolation and injustice the highway’s construction precipitated when it sliced through a vibrant...

The Local Infrastructure Hub Shows Communities How to Improve Street Safety, Creatively
Sometimes the nation’s infrastructure needs are so daunting that the expense seems out of reach. Other times, a fix can be in a community’s own backyard. It just takes a bit of DIY. Consider Globe, AZ, a copper mining hub 88 miles east of Phoenix near the crossroads...