Planning Safe Streets for All

This webinar will feature mayors from cities that won Safe Streets for All demonstration grants to encourage additional cities to apply for demonstration grants in the upcoming funding announcement. City leaders will discuss their plans preventing roadway fatalities and reducing the rate of serious injuries for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

Lessons Learned from Recycling Grant Recipients

This webinar will introduce GGRF and discuss how cities can access these funds for projects like: providing community solar to low-income households and communities; decarbonizing municipal buildings; and expanding electric vehicle charging and fueling infrastructure or providing access to other forms of zero emissions transportation, including by enhancing walkability.

Electrifying your Fleet

This webinar hosted by the Local Infrastructure Hub will explore the various programs that cities can blend and braid to green their fleets.

Safe Streets for All: Technologies for Tracking Near-Misses

This session will investigate how cities across the country are using SS4A funding to deploy new data capture technologies including cameras, drones, and LiDAR to detect near-misses and other high-risk incidents, and predictive analysis tools to inform street design and transportation planning.

An Introduction to the IRA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

This webinar will provide cities with actionable steps for how to access funds and suggestions for how to combine GGRF financing with other BIL and IRA funding sources when developing budgets.

Updated Treasury Guidance on SLFRF

This webinar will feature federal funding experts and city officials who will share the latest developments within the SLFRF program.