Advancing Clean Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) delivers more than $50 billion to improve our nation’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure -- the single largest investment in water that the federal government has ever made. This historic investment will increase access to safe drinking water, restore clean water in communities and wild spaces, mitigate stormwater in a safe and controlled manner, and more. This session will provide an overview of major EPA Water and Wastewater BIL funding streams and the regulatory agenda that will impact project priorities and funding. The session will also examine funding for lead pipes, the water-energy nexus, and emerging contaminants. Finally, we will discuss how cities should be working with their states to access funding for clean water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Webinar Resources Funding Available for Advancing Clean Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

EECBG Implementation

This session will provide technical insights to city leaders as they complete their applications to secure Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Featured speakers include Andi Mirviss, Management and Program Analyst, Department of Energy, and Tara Brown, Senior Manager of Service Delivery at Institute for Market Transformation (IMT). Attendees will leave with a clear sense of the key components of the grant, upcoming technical assistance opportunities, and the best strategies for submitting a competitive application.

Safe Streets and Roads for All: Insights from 2022 Winners

Join The Local Infrastructure Hub on Tuesday, May 9 at 2 p.m. ET. for the next session – Safe Streets and Roads for All: Insights from 2022 Winners. As cities prepare to apply for the 2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant opportunity, this session will highlight winning projects from 2022 and provide insights to future applicants. Our federal experts and local leaders will share best practices and lessons learned with participants. Featured speakers include Emily Schweninger, Policy Advisor for Safety, U.S. Department of Transportation; Mayor Jane Castor of Tampa, FL; Mayor Frank Cownie of Des Moines, IA; Mayor Martha Guerrero of West Sacramento, CA; and Ryan Russo, Principal, Together Projects LLC!

Grant Application Strategies for Capacity Constrained Communities

Join us to hear about key insights from DOT Capacity Builder Program leaders on the challenges and opportunities that exist for small communities in both securing and implementing BIL and IRA competitive grant funds. Also learn from small communities that have achieved outsized success as they share their stories and lessons learned.

IRA: Putting Direct Pay into Action

Join federal speakers, city leaders, and policy experts as they share key insights and lessons learned about BIL grant opportunities and topics.