Local Infrastructure Hub session at U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting: The Future of Broadband and Transportation

Mayors will hear from federal officials on historic infrastructure grant opportunities that can transform their cities and discuss what federal agencies are looking for under competitive programs. Moderator: Andrew J. Ginther, Mayor of Columbus, OH Remarks Transforming Transportation through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Carlos Monje, Under Secretary for Policy United States Department of Transportation Remarks Cities and the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program Alan Davidson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator United States Department of Commerce Local Infrastructure Hub: Opportunity Finder Jaime Lavin, Government Innovation Bloomberg Philanthropies Please note: only registered participants in the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting will be able to attend

Blending and Braiding BIL and IRA funding streams for Green Infra

This session is focused on how IRA and BIL funding streams can be integrated for different types of infrastructure projects, particularly green infrastructure projects. Webinar Resources Webinar Recording Link to the TA programs available through EPA: https://www.epa.gov/advance/resources-and-technical-assistance https://bloombergcities.jhu.edu/federal-assistance-e311-events AFA’s IIJA Federal Investment guide: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d9f9365f67b454b1ce2dc2f/t/61bcc04bf1f53508adc9c92c/1639759961138/IIJA+Investment+Guide.pdf Check out the great C40 Guidebook on IRA https://www.c40knowledgehub.org/s/article/Climate-action-and-the-Inflation-Reduction-Act-A-guide-for-local-government-leaders?language=en_US https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_fy22-bric-technical-assistance-psm.pdf Another infrastructure resource for municipalities from Brookings Metro https://www.brookings.edu/interactives/brookings-federal-infrastructure-hub/

IRA Guidance for Local Leaders

This session will discuss strategies for local leaders to maximize their communities' benefits from the programs available through the Inflation Reduction Act, including consumer-facing tax credits, building retrofits and conversion to cleaner forms of energy. Speakers will describe the technical assistance and resources available for local leaders to unlock the full potential of the law and move forward on their climate priorities.

Electric Vehicles: Opportunities for Local Leaders

As the administration continues to roll out historic investments in electric vehicles, join the Hub to learn more about the forthcoming electric vehicles NOFO and the best strategies for securing funding for an equitable electric vehicle program in your city. This session will feature expert insights from the U.S. Department of Transportation, mayors on the vanguard of expanding access to electric vehicles, the Electrification Coalition, and more!   Webinar Resources Grant Application Bootcamp Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Guidance and Tools Developing a successful Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging and Fueling Grant Program Application Webinar Recording

Advancing Environmental Protections for All: An Earth Day Celebration

Join the Local Infrastructure Hub for the next session – Advancing Environmental Protections for All: An Earth Day Celebration on Tues. April 25 at 2 p.m. ET. This session will discuss the Urban and Community Forestry Grants under the Inflation Reduction Act and explore how equity and climate policy intersect with the Administration’s Justice40 initiative. Featured speakers include Brenda Mallory, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, The White House; Mike Bloomberg, former Mayor of New York City and Founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies; Mayor Kathy Sheenan of Albany, NY; Mayor Lauren McClean of Boise, ID; Angela Tovar, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Chicago; Joel Pannell, VP of Urban Forest Policy, American Forests; and more!

Advancing Workforce Equity in BIL

This session will discuss workforce development provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, with a focus on empowering cities to promote equity in infrastructure. Featured speakers include Paige Shevlin, Strategic Advisor for Infrastructure Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Transportation, Darrell Byers, CEO, Interise, and mayors. Webinar Resources Webinar Recording 5 Winning Strategies for Incorporating Workforce Provisions in BIL Projects  

Protecting our Nation’s Transportation System

On the 1 year anniversary of the Local Infrastructure Hub, join federal transportation policy experts, Mayors, and leaders in the field to discuss the best strategies for tackling climate change by improving the resilience of the surface transportation system.

Navigating IRA Tax Credits for Local Leaders

Join The Local Infrastructure Hub on Tuesday, July 18 at 2 p.m. ET to learn more about Inflation Reduction Act tax credits and the benefits that they will bring to your residents. IRA contains several tax credits in service of increasing America’s competitiveness in the clean energy economy. Featured speakers include Laurel Blatchford, Chief Implementation Officer, Inflation Reduction Act, US Department of Treasury; John Podesta, Senior Adviser to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation; Alexander Dane, Senior Manager for Clean Energy Innovation & Partnerships, World Resources Institute; and Mayor Erin Mendenhall of Salt Lake City, UT.

Reconnecting Communities for Economic Mobility

Join federal transportation policy experts, Mayors who’ve successfully secured funding for this opportunity in the FY22 grant cycle, and leaders in the field to discuss the best strategies for reconnecting communities that are cut off from opportunity and burdened by past transportation infrastructure decisions.

Partnerships for Advancing Clean Water Infrastructure

Join federal environmental policy experts, Mayors, and leaders in the field to discuss the best strategies for working with your state’s leadership to enhance your cities water quality infrastructure.

A SMART Approach to Road Innovation

Join federal transportation policy experts, Mayors, and leaders in the field to discuss the best strategies for improving transportation safety and efficiency for your residents. Register today!

Bridging the Gap: Funding Broadband for All

Join the Local Infrastructure Hub to discuss the BEAD program and how you can submit a competitive application to expand broadband access in your community.