Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program
Grant Summary
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Clean Energy & Power
Eligible Applicants:
Based on the FY24 NOFO, eligible applicants include states and territories of the United States; municipalities, including public school districts; Indian Tribes; and nonprofit school transportation associations.
Total IIJA Funding:
The Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants program was established to address harmful emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, funding projects to replace non-zero-emission Class 6 and Class 7 vehicles with zero-emission (ZE) vehicles. The program comprises two sub-programs: School Bus Sub-Program and Vocational Vehicles Sub-Program. The School Bus Sub-Program funds the replacements of school buses, while the Vocational Vehicles Sub-Program funds the replacements of non-school bus Class 6/7 vehicles.
FY2024 Grant Funding:
$932 million. Approx 70% of funding will be for the replacement of school busses and 30% for the replacement of Class 6/7 heavy duty vehicles. At least $400 million will be awarded to projects serving communities designated as Nonattainment Areas by the EPA.
Match Requirements:
Cost share requirements vary by vehicle type. An overview of EPA’s cost share levels is provided below and additional information is available in the FY24 NOFO.
Key Dates:
The FY24 NOFO is currently open and closes on July 25, 2024 (11:59 PM ET).
Key Funding Criteria:
Applicants can expect to be evaluated, among other criteria, on the degree to which the project addresses air quality, environmental justice, and disadvantaged communities.
Opportunities for Climate and Racial Wealth Equity:
The Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Grant program is intended to reduce and eliminate air pollution in neighborhoods where people live, work, and play. Heavy-duty vehicles release significant amounts of air pollution that threaten public health, and historically disadvantaged communities that live near high-traffic areas are disproportionately more exposed to this air pollution. By replacing existing fleets of Class 6/7 vehicles and school buses with clean vehicles, cities can potentially reduce harmful air pollution in disadvantaged communities, including communities designated as Nonattainment Areas by the EPA.
Eligible Activities:
- Replacing existing internal combustion engine school buses and other Class 6 and Class 7 vehicles with ZE school buses and heavy-duty vehicles;
- Purchasing, installing, operating, and maintaining infrastructure needed to charge, fuel, or maintain ZE vehicles; and
- Developing and training workforces to support the maintenance, charging, fueling, and operation of ZE vehicles.
Applicants must propose to replace eligible vehicles with comparable, eligible ZE vehicles. Existing vehicles must be disposed of (i.e., scrapped, sold, or donated) according to program guidelines. Applicants may own the vehicles to be replaced, or applicants may work with fleet owners to carry out the project.