CFI grants provide funding to deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure in communities and along designated transportation corridors. These grants support the development of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, assistance for operating costs, and the implementation of traffic control devices. CFI projects must address environmental justice. (See below for an alternative opportunity on this grant.) Download the grant summary here.

Bootcamp Structure


Peer Learning Sessions (Webinars): Interactive sessions featuring Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on the policy and grant approach, followed by smaller sessions for peer discussions

Coaching Sessions: Smaller sessions that continue to build on specific application questions identified in the peer learning session

Office Hours (Consultant Meetings): Support in the form of designated time slots with our SMEs and your team to address specific questions about your grant application


Navigator Team: Our Navigator team is available to help answer the following kinds of questions:

  • Bootcamp timelines
  • Bootcamp schedules
  • Participation expectations

Our Navigator for this grant is Jan Mangana. She can be reached at

Prepare for Success

Download the full outline of the bootcamp schedule, goals, and key steps to ensure you are ready to attend the following courses and successfully prepare and submit your grant application.

Modules and Resources

Module 1

Orientation and Grant Overview:

Cities will be introduced to the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) program and the federal grant process. Cities will also receive an overview of the bootcamp content and structure.

Module 2

Charging and Fueling Round 1

Cities will identify trends from the FY2023 CFI program, particularly the priorities and successful projects. Cities will also begin designing potential project ideas.

Module 3

Managing Partnerships

Cities will understand how to approach other cities and potential partners to emphasize a regional approach to their project idea. Cities will also discuss site planning necessary for EV infrastructure.

Module 4

Engaging the Community

Cities will learn about how to effectively engage with their communities and devise an asset map to build a community narrative.

Module 5

Incorporating Data

Cities will gain familiarity with data collection tools and analysis methods for understanding barriers to equity in their community. Cities will dissect the NOFO (either the FY24 or FY23 version depending on the NOFO release date) and utilize data to cover required topics.

Additional Resources

Module 6

Building a Narrative

Cities will develop the story of their city through the information gained from previous modules. Cities will draft a sample narrative that can provide readers with a deep insight of the community and the importance of the EV project.

Module 7

Funding Cycle and Budgeting

Cities will understand the CFI program funding cycle, analyze the funding formula and matching requirements, and develop a draft project budget.

Module 8

Planning for Grant Applications & Capacity Building

Cities will identify best practices for developing a compelling grant narrative and how to demonstrate capability of carrying out the project in a competent manner and in compliance with all applicable laws. Cities understand the next steps in positioning themselves competitively for grant application opportunities.

Bootcamp Calendar