Download Your Resources

These materials were prepared as part of the Local Infrastructure Hub’s Fall 2022 Grant Application bootcamps. If you have questions, please contact: [email protected]

To review all materials prepared for the NLC Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program Bootcamp, click the button below:

Download the full SMART Slide Deck

Or, to review materials by topic, click on the related links below:


Download the SMART Introduction Slide Deck
View the SMART Introduction Video

Module 1: Kickoff

Download the SMART Module 1 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 1 Video

Module 2: Federal Administration Priorities

Download the SMART Module 2 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 2 Video

Module 3: Incorporating Data

Download the SMART Module 3 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 3 Video

Module 4: Engaging the Community

Download the SMART Module 4 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 4 Video

Module 5: Demystifying Capital Stacks & Budgeting

Download the SMART Module 5 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 5 Video

Module 6: Telling Your Story

Download the SMART Module 6 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 6 Video

Module 7: Post Submission – Long Term Capacity Building

Download the SMART Module 7 Slide Deck
View the SMART Module 7 Video